Here is our first Gingerbread House. It was bought to put together last year, but since daddy and the girls were sick for Christmas last year, we never got around to it. After a major roof repair and a Hannah melt-down, we managed to turn out a pretty sweet little house. Hannah is looking forward to making one again.
Click here for pictures
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
2009 09 First Day of School
Hannah started her third and final year of preschool at Arcadia Friends Community Church Preschool. It is amazing how fast time flies! She has Mrs. Lynn for her teacher. So far this year, she has shown a lot of interest at the art table, but I have seen her head over to the blocks first thing each morning as I drop her off.
Alyssa is going to a preschool Co-op that was started with a group of my mommy friends. Mihret, Christopher, Derek, Elizabeth, Alyssa and Alana all turned 2 within four months of each other and are wonderful playmates. Joining them is Mahalia who will be turning three in November. It is a great group of moms and kiddos and it's a great opportunity to give us moms a break from our kids each Monday (when we're not the teacher for the day!)
Click here for pictures of First Day
Click here for pictures of Alyssa's Preschool
Saturday, September 12, 2009
2009 09 D23 Expo in Anaheim
Ryan planned a weekend getaway to the lovely city of Anaheim, CA where the first D23 Expo was being held. This convention was for Disney enthusiasts. There were exhibitions describing the new attractions at the various theme parks, booths for Disney consumer products with hands on activities (Legos, Crayola, etc.), viewing of archived costumes and props that have been stored away, lectures and seminars, preview screenings, and plenty of free bag give aways. Gramma and Grampop came for the afternoon and dinner at the Rainforest Cafe (a big hit with the girls... and we ended up there for breakfast again the next morning after spending the night in a hotel.)
Click here for pictures
Saturday, September 05, 2009
2009 Thousand Trails
For Labor Day weekend, we went camping with "Uncle Ruth and Patrick" as Alyssa calls them at Thousand trails in Idyllwild. The weather was beautiful and the company was awesome. And it didn't hurt to camp in a trailer decked out with tv, kitchen, bathroom and other amenities! The girls had a blast. Hannah caught her first fish that we cooked for dinner. Alyssa's love for horses was renewed and we went to visit them everyday. We look forward to another camping trip with the O'Neills int he future.
Click here for pictures
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
2009 08 Who is this?
Since May, we have been trying to work with the photographer who took pictures at the February Father Daughter Dance. There was some confusion with our mailing address and the fact that we had moved, but also, Ryan had wanted to know which pictures they would be sending. Uncle Brett, who attended the dance with them had been in one of the pictures and we were willing to buy additional pictures to have one with him, but was not told how that would happen. It was four months of poor communication on the part of the photographer and frustration for Ryan. Finally, we received an unmarked envelope in the mail. As Ryan opened the envelope, he hoped that what he saw was a joke, but alas, it was not... pictures had finally arrived, but it was not of our family!
2009 08-09 Fires
We have been with smokey skies for a week now. Some days we see nothing but gray and others the sky is blue as can be with big poofs of smoked formed clouds. At times, the smell of burning wood and brush is intense and then not at all, but we know that the air quality is terrible, so we try not to be outside as much as possible. Ash is often found floating gently in the air. And it's been so hot out, that being inside isn't so bad... though the girls are getting a bit stir crazy!
Click here for pictures
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
2009 08 The Wombmates Reunion
When Hannah was still in mommy's tummy, we started a friendship for her with two other little girls who were still in their mommy's tummies. Now Hannah, Ava and Francesca are 4 and they all have little sisters of their own. In between making banana bread and their own little pizzas, there was a lot of running around, giggling and general mayhem this day when we finally got all our girls together for the first time in several years!
Click here for pictures
Sunday, August 23, 2009
2009 08 Sierra Madre Summer Concert
This was a fun night... the girls love to dance and as soon as the music started, they were on their feet. They also had a fun time climbing the little tree at the edge of the open area. At first, Hannah wanted help, but it didn't take her long to be comfortable just hanging out in the tree. Alyssa made friends with a little girl named Hannah who wanted to share all her toys and food with her. The "highlight" of the evening was when Alyssa threw up on mommy's face... Mommy flipped Alyssa over one too many times! Thankfully that happened at the end of the evening...
Click here for pictures
Click here for pictures
Friday, August 21, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
2009 08 Leonis Adobe
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Leonis Adobe Museum is an 1800's ranch that holds summer activities for the kiddos. There they can feed various farm animals, make tortillas and learn what ranch life was like back then. They also do story time, crafts and music too. We've been going every summer and the girls have so much fun... though Alyssa is still a bit cautious around the farm animals since her chicken scare earlier this year.
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
2009 08 I love it when Hannah plays Cinderella!
Every once in awhile, my little Hannah refers to me as "Step Mother." I have to admit, the first few times I cringed! But now, when I am told to, "Go do something else, Step Mother." I happily pick up a magazine and let Hannah finish cleaning the floors, the chairs, the outside of the backdoor, whatever it is she wants to clean and sit back and watch. And how could I forget to mention the songs that she belts out as she cleans!
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
2009 07 Hannah Sleeps
Several times after being put to bed, Hannah will come out to say that she wants to sleep anywhere else but in her bed because, "Alyssa will cry and wake me up." We have found her in some interesting places, the couch, the floor in the hallway, the floor of the bathroom, but this beats it all! She was dead asleep and didn't even stir when we moved her.
2009 07 Kirsten in LA
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For her Thirteenth birthday, we invited Hannah and Alyssa's cousin Kirsten to visit us for a week. They absolutely love their cousin and had a blast with Kirsten and Aunt Becky. Alyssa thought it was funny to frequently as Kirsten, "What is your name, Kirsten? I don't renember." (and that's not a typo...) We were busy, busy, busy hitting as many of the usual tourist spots we could. We hope Kirsten has collected many fond memories, because I know we sure have!
Saturday, July 04, 2009
2009 07 July 4th
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We had a busy day this July 4th... First a BBQ/Pool party at the home of Ralph and Charlene Martinez. Then we had a few friends over for an evening BBQ and backyard fireworks. We hope everyone had fun celebrating our country's Independence Day!
Friday, July 03, 2009
2009 07 Beach Day with Daddy
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Since Daddy had the day off, we decided to head out to Zuma beach... unfortunately, the sun decided not to come out,but we still had fun! Later we had Malibu Yogurt with Maddie Bennett and her momma and hung out with the whole Bennett family.
Since Daddy had the day off, we decided to head out to Zuma beach... unfortunately, the sun decided not to come out,but we still had fun! Later we had Malibu Yogurt with Maddie Bennett and her momma and hung out with the whole Bennett family.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
2009 06 VBS
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Alyssa loves VBS! After getting into costume, she cried, "Look at me mommy!" It's really Hannah's first full VBS experience as well, she only went one night last year, but since she does a lot of other activities at the church (Preschool, Kid's Night), it's not as much of a thrill as it is for Alyssa.
This year, the theme is the miracles from the book of John.
2009 06 Butterflies
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Gramma gave us caterpillars that were getting ready to develop their chrysalises. Today they started emerging... one is stuck and we don't think he'll make it.
(Note - out of 5 butterflies, 4 came out of their chrysalis with no problem... one did not. It finally shook himself so hard... freaking Ryan out a bit... that he freed himself, but his wings remained curled up, so he will never fly.)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
2009 06 Father's Day
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After a weekend of camping with his #1 Girl, what could be better than to end a marvelous weekend than getting a foot massage from #1 Girl! Hannah also sang her Daddy a beautiful Father's Day Song and showered him with gifts. She had intended to give daddy a full foot massage experience, foot bath and all, but Daddy convinced her that it wasn't necessary.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
2009 06 Balloon House
Alyssa loves the movie UP! that we went to see at the end of May. She will wake up in the morning saying, "I watched the movie UP! with daddy, with Hannah and with Yew!" "The house floated away!" "The doggies went in the water!" She loves to tell people about it too.
Today we made a picture of the balloon house. Alyssa had been asking to "make a picture of balloon house." She helped cut the paper, draw the doors and windows and glue everything down. She wasn't too interested in drawing the balloons, so mommy helped. She was quite proud of herself!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
2009 06 Hannah's Creative
Mommy was a little bit distracted at the computer and Hannah was very curious...
What would happen if she took the Fabric markers off mommy's dresser along with the sweater mommy was going to sew a button on...
Hannah decided to make her sweater "fancier." Sadly, she did it only a few feet away from mommy without mommy noticing... until it was too late! So as any good mommy would do, I gave the "how could you " lecture... and then told her to finish what she started.
Monday, June 08, 2009
2009 06 CA Adventure
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We rarely spend time at Disney's CA Adventure, but today we did. We joined Aaron and Bridgette for the early part of the afternoon, then when they went to dinner at Ariel's Grotto, Uncle Eric arrived and we spent the rest of our time there with him. We are still exploring and figuring out the things we like to do best. The Pixar Parade was fun, but you really got wet... and we recommend going to "Talking with Crush." On our way home, Alyssa announced, "I love Uncle Eric." Yes, we do, especially because he loves to go to Disneyland with us!
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Monday, June 01, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
2009 05 Back Yard Camping Trip
Click here for pictures
Daddy wanted to get out the camping gear to see what was what for the Father/Daughter camping trip he's taking Hannah on Father's Day weekend. We decided to make a night of it and we all slept in the tent. It was pretty comfortable though Hannah is still a wild sleeper and had arms swinging and body flopping over mommy or daddy throughout the night. There was even the commotions of nearby campers (our neighbors must have been having a party) and running water nearby (someone has a fountain). We made memories that night and may be ready for a full on family trip in the near future.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Hannah's Snowman Party
Over the long Memorial Day Weekend I thought it would be nice to tune up the old bicycles, hitch up the kiddie trailer, and take the girls out for a spin. I needed to replace the innertubes and tires on my mountain bike. Do you know the trick where you put talcum powder in the tires before inserting the tubes. It keeps the rubber from sticking next time you have to take the tube out. Anyway... while the baby power bottle was out of my sight, look what happened behind my back!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
2009 05 Christmas Carol Train
Click here for pictures
To promote their new movie of the Christmas Carol coming out in Nov, Disney decked the walls of several Amtrak train cars. At first I wasn't sure if the girls could handle to long wait... I wasn't sure if I could! But three hours later, we were inside, checking out the attraction. It was free and a fun day for the Jaffe family.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
2009 05 Mea's Birthday Party
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Alyssa really had fun at Mea's birthday party. It's the first one she's really gone on about. Gramma and Grampop got an earful the weekend after the party. Thanks for a fun day Mea!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
2009 05 Purple Baby Punished
"No Baby, no!" I hear Alyssa say as she came inside from the backyard. "Time out Baby." Promptly, Purple Baby is put in our time out corner in the kitchen.
"Why is Purple Baby in time out?" I ask.
"Baby jumping on wagon," was her reply as she turned towards the stove. "Egg timer, mommy?"
Alyssa frequently puts her babies in time out. Usually without much of a reason.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
2009 05 MOPS Walk
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Naomi is the Co-Coordinator at the MOPS group she attends along with her friend, Kimberly. They participated in a local walk to raise funds. When we arrived, we thought we were really late, because there wasn't anyone there. Turns out, there wasn't much of a crowd that morning... maybe 12 ladies and their families. However, Naomi and Kimberly were glad to have participated, because they were able to raise over $500 for their group.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
2009 05 Little Ladybug
As we were leaving Hannah's preschool class today, Hannah stopped and started digging into her front pocket saying something about a ladybug. "Wait until we get home Hannah, show it to me then." So we head to the car, the girls get buckled in,we get home, they get out and after heading inside, they played a bit while mommy heads to the kitchen to try to figure out lunch real quick.
"I named my ladybug Ariel," Hannah calls to mommy as she joins me. As I turn to her, I see that she is holding out her little hand and there was a ladybug... a real little ladybug, not a paper or sticker one that mommy thought she'd see. "Where did you find it Hannah?" I say. "On the playground." That was most likely mid morning. I wondered how long she had it in her pocket, surprised it lasted this long.
Sadly, Ariel, the ladybug, didn't last must longer than lunch. Hannah manhandled the poor thing until she asked if I could fix it... the head was severed from the rest of the body.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saturday, May 09, 2009
2009 May's Ginormous Sale at AFCC
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Our church held a parking lot sale to raise funds for a team to go to north Africa next year. There were a lot of interesting things to buy... Ryan found a few of them...
Our church held a parking lot sale to raise funds for a team to go to north Africa next year. There were a lot of interesting things to buy... Ryan found a few of them...
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